• Music Concourse (map)
  • Music Concourse Drive
  • San Francisco, CA
  • United States

Practice Location: From 1:30pm to 3:00pm we will be having a mandatory Rueda Flash Mob Practice in Golden Gate Park at the Stage/Bandstand of the Music Concourse by the deYoung Museum. We will be reviewing moves, setting partners, and planning entrances based on different levels (most advanced dancers first, then intermediate, then beginning).

Update: We will be throwing an AFTER PARTY with DJ JuanLove and DJ Ritmo at Mars Bar San Francisco from 4 to 7pm - $10 cover. Música Cubana for open dancing & ruedas. Mars Bar serves food and has a full bar.

It's time for the 5th Annual International Rueda de Casino Flash Mob Day! On Saturday, April 7th, dancers from all over the world will dance Rueda de Casino Flash Mobs.

This year Rueda Con Ritmo is organizing:
1) 1:30 - 3:00pm: Rueda Flash Mob Practice in Golden Gate Park at the Stage/Bandstand of the Music Concourse by the deYoung Museum.
2) 3:15pm (sharp): Rueda Flash Mob by the fountains between the deYoung & Academy of Sciences.
3) 4:00 - 7:00pm: After Party at Mars Bar (798 Brannan St.)

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.

We will be teaching the calls for the Rueda Flash Mob at all of our rueda classes from now until April 7th. Fridays at 7:30pm and 8:30pm (Multi-level every hour) at ODC in SF, Mondays 7:30pm and 8:45pm (Multi-level every hour) at The Working Body in Oakland, as well as Sundays at ODC in SF. Visit www.RuedaConRitmo.com/classes for the full schedule of classes.

Check back here or see the Facebook Event for updates

Click for videos of our flash mobs in 2017, 2016, and 2015.

This is an incredible, truly international event that connects Casineros from around the world. Check out all the groups that will be dancing Rueda Flash Mobs, as well as videos from previous years, on the international event page.