• MNC (map)
  • 362 Capp St
  • San Francisco, CA 94110
  • United States

We are excited to be hosting Susana Arenas for a special workshop, an introduction to Afro-Cuban Folkloric Dance, with special emphasis on dances for the oricha Changó that RCR will be dancing in the San Francisco Carnaval Parade this year. The workshop is open to all dancers — participation in Carnaval is NOT required. Workshop will feature live percussion.

Born and raised in Havana, Cuba, Susana Arenas Pedroso began her career in dance at age twelve, studying at La Casa de Cultura de Matanzas and at Conjunto Folklórico Nacional in Havana. Since her arrival in the United States in 1998, she has choreographed numerous pieces that have been exhibited throughout the United States, Mexico, Cuba and beyond. Complete bio here.

Registration link (Sun 5/19, 1:00 - 2:30pm)



Sliding Scale: $30- $20 - The class will feature live percussion so if you are able to pay full price it is much appreciated!

On Sunday, May 19th, RCR’s regular Level 1 class will still be happening at MNC at 1:30pm, as will the classes at Level 2 and Level 4 at 2:30pm. (Level 3 will not be happening on 5/19).

Sunday classes will not be held the following Sunday, May 26th due to San Francisco Carnaval. RCR’s Sunday classes will resume their normal schedule on June 2nd.