Monday 3/10, 7:30pm - Levels 2, 3, & 4 (Follow)


Monday 3/10, 7:30pm - Levels 2, 3, & 4 (Follow)

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LOCATION: Starting 11/11, Monday classes have moved inside to the Lake Merritt Dance Center at 200 Grand Ave. in Oakland — click for a map.

The class will be split into three groups (Levels 2, 3, & 4). The instructors will place students into levels at their sole discretion at the beginning of the class. Participants must know ALL Level 1 moves from our curriculum to participate in this class — Level 1 is offered at a separate hour.

We are offering a couple of discounted options to make these outdoor classes available to more people (though if you are able to pay the regular price it is much appreciated). When you check out, you can enter either 25OFF or 50OFF as codes to receive 25% or 50% discounts.

PARKING is limited. Be sure not to leave any valuables in your car.

ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS RECOMMENDED, to ensure that we do not exceed the maximum class size and have an even balance of leads & follows.